Welcome to Partnership in Wellness
A deep healing and compassionate approach to recovering from compulsive eating, early mother loss, anxiety, and depression

Meet Beth Rontal
In my former life, as a costume designer for the theater, I witnessed firsthand during costume fittings, how physically uncomfortable many actors felt about their bodies and how their assumptions about how they looked negatively affected them and inhibited their work.
As a personal image consultant, I continued to see people obsessed over tiny “flaws” as if looking through a magnifying glass rather than into a mirror. I discovered that those who couldn’t express their best selves through the techniques I was teaching had deeper problems than I was equipped to help.
How Can I Help You?
Transforming Overeating
Weight loss is not about diets and emotional eating is not about food. Emotional eating is a solution to a problem; a clever habit that you unconsciously developed hoping food would soothe or protect you from being hurt. If the thought of going on another diet makes you run to the fridge, please contact me.
Transforming Early Mother Loss
Early mother loss can have profound and often unconscious effects which last a lifetime. Each stage of a woman’s life is colored by this premature encounter with death from leaving the childhood home, to career, relationship and child-rearing. Unresolved loss can create a life of anxiety or depression that seems to come from nowhere.